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Moon Destiny


A pale gray she-cat stood at the edge of a pond and looked wistfully over the water. Silence filled the air except for the steady beating of moth wings and the buzzing of insects. An occasional frog would raise its voice and call throatily across to its mate. But between the regular night noises nothing stirred. The she-cat sat down near the edge of the pond, letting the water lap at her paws in rhythmic, soothing, strokes. As if a mother’s tongue was gently washing her paws with gentle concern.
The she-cat winced inwardly at this thought. If only she hadn’t, she too would be licking her kits to sleep. With an inward sigh, the gray she-cat felt pain stab her heart and she gazed wearily at the water. But the water’s only response was to keep on lapping silently at her feet, as if comforting a mewling kitten.
A weird sensation filled the cat’s chest. Maybe a motherly sensation of protectiveness. And with a quick paw the she-cat slashed at the water, with claws outstretched. She let out a hiss of annoyance as ripples traveled through the water and returned with a stronger wave. Miserably, and now cold and wet, the she-cat turned her big blue eyes away from the water.
‘Why my little poor kits! Why!’ She wailed silently inside her head. Time passed, and the night stretched longer.
Her pelt shone like silver in the moonlight and suddenly a voice spoke from the shadows.
“You will always look beautiful to me.” A soft voice said, and a brown tom padded up to her. His eyes softening in sympathy.
The she-cat did not look startled to find herself being watched, in fact, nothing ever surprised her anymore. She was just waiting for death to take her from this painful world.
She lashed her silky tail, “You know my heart traveled another way, Barkleaf, you and I do not belong together as I thought before.”
The tom gazed at her for a moment then dipped his head, turning away he glanced over his shoulder, “You had to choose a Breezeclan warrior over me? Did you really?” his mew was not anger, but sadness. As if he could imagen the future different.
The grey-white she-cat did not respond but turned her blue eyes away from him.
“Moonshine, why couldn’t things be different?” Barkleaf spoke again, this time his eyes pleading.
Moonshine looked across the silvery water, struck down with moonlight that she almost gasped in amazement at its beauty.
“No.” she meowed quietly and firmly to the awaiting tom.
Barkleaf dipped his head again and padded into the shadows.
Shoreclan had resisted many moons of hardship, what she brought into the world surely wouldn’t make it any different?
With a sigh, she lay next to the shore of her beloved pond. The pond that was home. The pond that was Shoreclan. Her muzzle rested at the edge of the water, she let water run through her nostrils and down her lungs.
Meanwhile, starry cats who had died long ago watched sadly at the lone cat. The she-cat in despair was drowning herself.
A red she-cat let out a cry of grief, “What is she doing? She has many moons left! Someone must stop her!”
But it was too late. Two toms sitting around the Watching Circle, where dead cats could see and send messages through to the live ones, looked on solemnly.
One of the toms, and old one with white specks around his muzzle turned to his companion, “She does not understand that even if she joins Starclan her misery will never fade.”
His companion nodded. He rose in steady legs, slick and strong which showed that he used to be a powerful opponent before death claimed him. “I must go fetch her and show her the way to Starclan’s hunting grounds.” He mewed.
The old tom nodded, watching the she-cat from the skies and feeling the pain of a life slowly ebbing away, wasted in the mist of despair.


Frostwing shivered in the cool morning breeze. She stretched to ease her cramped muscles. The sun broke through the trees, casting a warm smile on the ground. Birds chirped and screeched good morning to each other and the gentle buzzing of mosquitos around the swamp could be heard, even from this distance. The snoring of cats could also be heard, coming from nests hollowed out in the sand or under the few bushes that grew around the camp.
Foxtail padded up, her dark red fur ruffled from sleeping, “Had a good vigil?”
Frostwing and Robinsky nodded.
“Oh yeah, you can talk now.” Foxtail yawned, stretching her yaws, and prodded Robinsky playfully, “You’d better go to sleep, you’ve watched long enough over camp. No border patrols for you!”
Frostwing twitched her tail happily, she liked the Shoreclan deputy, she was always good humored. “Come on Robinsky, we can sleep in the warriors’ den now!”
Robinsky nodded enthusiastically, though Frostwing new her friend was tired.
“I’m just going to check with Wavesplash, I think I stepped on a sharp stone.” Meowed Robinsky, then the jet-black she-cat padded off towards the Leaping Stone.
Frostwing gazed around camp, it was a beautiful place. The camp walls were made out of dragged bracken that surrounded the pond like a nest. It was impossible to get through and hardly needed repairs, the apprentices’ and warriors’ dens were hollow dips in the sandy shore, mean while the prison and the elders’ den were under bushes, well protected from the rain. The Leaping Stones were two jutting rocks that were in the pond itself. One was the Leaping Stone, you leaped to that from shore and then leap from that rock to the main stone, simply named Jutting Stone. On the Jutting Stone the leader would announce meetings and in a hidden crack, behind view, was the medicine cat den.
The warm sand kept the leaves dry so they could be used during leafbare. A path led along the rock’s edge, so the patients could easily drink fresh pond water without difficulty. Most medicine cats were mates with the leader and that’s why they shared nests, but Wavesplash was actually the Clan’s leader sister, and they both slept separately and enjoyed each other’s quiet company.
Frostwing didn’t feel like sleeping, at least not yet, right now she was happy to be part of Shoreclan, proud of her Clan’s cleverness and skill. The beauty of the pond’s water reflected fiercely in her heart, she would serve her Clan no matter what. With a contented sigh, Frostwing padded to the edge of the pond and gazed at the water as lovingly as mother would do for her kits.
A splash was heard and water swirled into Frostwing’s ears as she plunged into its depts. Warm water pleasantly washed over her body, making her fur go in all directions. Frostwing’s lungs burned with the familiar and comforting sensation of holding her breath underwater, a thing only Shoreclan could do. Starting swimming under water, Frostwing relaxed into the steady rhythm of strokes.
Silently easing herself into the water, not for the first time, Frostwing felt like a fish. Indeed, small fish were swimming all around her. They were Fatheaded Minnows, they were half grown, Shoreclan cats weren’t allowed to eat them in Newleaf, no matter how tender, the fish were hardly mature at this age and so that the cats did not completely wipe out the fish, they only hunted them in Greenleaf. So they could lay their eggs in Leaffall, hatch in Leafbare, grow in Newleaf, and be eatable in Greenleaf.
The fish seemed to know they weren’t in danger of being eaten, they swam taunting circles around Frostwing. But she paid them no mind. The pond plants at the bottom, stuck securely with roots to the rocks, tickled her belly, almost making her let out some bubbles. Forstwing swam upwards, breaking the surface of the water gracefully, she was almost knocked downwards again by a raft.
“Watch out!” hollered an apprentice, two apprentices were balanced on a piece of bark, propelling themselves forwards with their tails. Splashing and making as much noise as possible.
Frostwing opened her yaws to yowl at them, but hesitated, they weren’t going to listen to her, she was only a brand new warrior and had been their denmate just yesterday. She wished she could tell who they were, but all the water made it impossible to recognize them.
Huffing under her breath, Frostwing paddled to shore. Robinsky greeted her cheerfully, a wad of cobwebs around her paw. And the two friends headed towards the warriors’ den.


Cheetahpaw raced after the rabbit, closing on it haunches, suddenly the rabbit darted to her right and disappeared into the bushes. Just as it had been planned.
Cheetahpaw waited patiently, her tail curled neatly over her paws.
Silverpaw’s silver pelt soon appeared, streaked with mud, the rabbit hanging from her yaws. Her tail flicked happily as she dropped the rabbit to the ground and gave it a sniff, “This sure is a good catch!”
Cheetahpaw nodded, “Yes, it has been a while since we have caught prey so fat! The elders will enjoy it!”
Silverpaw and Cheetahpaw, like all Breezeclan apprentices, were covered in mud, grass stems, and loose pebbles. Before leaving camp, they had carefully camouflaged themselves in mud and any other thing they could think of to cover themselves. The Clan called the camouflage simply the Hide, since it was like a second pelt to them.
Cheetahpaw felt a surge of pride for her Clan rock her gently. Breezeclan was the best Clan! Their camouflage was an important skill to know, they made it their pride and best ability. It was what made them so feared by the other Clans. Their sneaky, lithe, quick bodies invisible to their enemies, would creep up behind them on silent paws, and thorn-sharp claws would give a quick, painful, wound on the neck, the Unknown Strike which they were known by.
Sure, the other Clans said they were sneaky and had dirty battle moves, so what? The other Clans were scared, that’s all. They were feared and powerful, cats who ruled beside the whipping wind that sent icy-cold gusts form the mountains.
Silverpaw and Cheetahpaw recollected their prey. Two mice and the rabbit. Silverpaw could just imagen boasting to her sister, Moonpaw.
Silverpaw suddenly thought of something, it stopped her in her tracks.
“Are you coming?” Cheetahpaw called, looking back at her.
Silverpaw bounded forwards to walk besides the spotted apprentice, though none of her spots could be seen with her Hide on.
“Do you think this catch was impressive enough to make us warriors?” Silverpaw whispered, her green eyes gleaming.
Cheetahpaw shook her head, “No, we still need more training mouse-brain!” she instantly regretted her words and touched her tail tip to Silverpaw’s mud-caked one to show she hadn’t meant it.
Silverpaw nodded her forgiveness, “I just really want to go to the Gathering!” she meowed.
“We need to be warriors to go to the Gatherings.” Cheetahpaw reminded her.
“Yes, ever since the Apprentice Battle no apprentices can go to the Gatherings.” Silverpaw blinked solemnly.
They approached the camp wall. It was mostly dried mud and sticks that had drifted from the stream, they had been placed as a wall to block the icy northern winds in leaf-bare. From the distance the camp looked like a hill of mud and stones, but close up you could see all the effort that had been put to create those walls.
Cheetahpaw and Silverpaw too had bent their backs and had sore paws for days after when it came to repair the unforgiving wall. But Breezeclan was tough, even the smallest kit was taught to stand up for themselves, unlike the other Clans, the mothers weren’t allowed to raise their kits. But they had to exchanged kits with another queen and suckle another she-cat’s babies.
This meant that the queens had to have full trust of each other, it helped loyalty form between campmates. And kits were closer to each other knowing they shared the same cats as mothers. It was a genius way to bond friendship. Breezestar, the first Breezeclan leader, had come up with it many generations ago.
“Stop right there!” An angry voice meowed, ‘’ was at the entrance to the camp, ‘’ shoulder fur relaxed when ‘’ saw it was only the two apprentices.
“Don’t be such a badger ‘’! It’s just us! Rockclan is not leading an invasion into camp.” Cheetahpaw meowed.
‘’ narrowed ‘’ eyes, “You would be jumpy if you have been standing here in the cold for hours!” ‘’ snapped.
Silverpaw twitched her whiskers in amusement. Both apprentices darted around the guard and burst into the camp. Cats bristled as soon as they entered, but then glanced at the two shivering apprentices disdainfully. That was how it was in Breezeclan, always alert for danger.
“Great catch,” meowed ‘’ Silverpaw’s mentor approvingly.
Silverpaw’s eyes shown. Cheetahpaw stiffly put down the two mice she was carrying on the fresh-kill pile. Another icy gust blew into camp, sending some warriors swiftly to shelter under Gnarled Oak, a small shriveled tree that had been there moons upon moons, as long as any cat could remember. It was part of the camp wall, and during warm days it was perfect for laying down in the shade. It served as good shelter.
“Let’s go ask the elders if they can tell us the story about the Apprentice Battle again!” blinked Cheetahpaw, a warm shrew in her belly and good story to listen to would surely make her forget the gloomy day.
“Yeah! I wonder where Moonpaw is?” Silverpaw wondered and trotted after Cheetahpaw as they made their way to the elders’ den.
The elders’ den was nestled among the dried-out stalks of heather. It was a nice location, and warm from the breath and heat of the elders.
“Tell us again about the Apprentice Battle!” begged the she-cats.
Patchwhisker purred in amusement, and glanced around at his companions, Dirtclaw and Whitetail.
“Go ahead, Patchwhisker, we know you like retelling this story.” Croaked Whitetail, the old she-cat rested her head in the moss that was piled around her nest with a contented sigh.
“Well, once the three Clans-“ Patchwhisker interrupted himself with a coughing fit.
“Not again! You should see ‘’ about your coughs Patchwhisker!” Complained Dirtclaw.
“Keep going please.” Urged Cheetahpaw.
“As I was saying, once the three Clans had gathered together in the Gathering,” Patchwhisker began again, his mew softly retelling the story and filling the den with a cozy sensation, “But then as the leaders sat on the Hill, Rockclan accused Shoreclan of stealing prey in their territory, Breezeclan quickly backed him up, since they too had smelled Shoreclan’s scent on their land. Shoreclan’s leader, Mallowstar, was furious and was a short tempered cat. Rockclan’s leader quickly started taunting her and calling her Clan stupid-“
“No need to tell them what they said.” Interrupted Whitetail quickly, and earning a scowl from Patchwhisker.
“Anyway, the Shoreclan leader leaped at Rockclan’s leader and, surely enough, battle broke out between the Clans. Breezeclan quickly joining. It was a bloody night and the Hill was stained red, when dawn came and the sun rose in the sky, the battle stopped. Suddenly, all the cats realized that all the apprentices had been killed in the battle. They weren’t no match for grown-up warriors from the other Clans.
The sound of wailing mothers and moaning mentors filled the air in a sad song, all of the apprentices had been slayed like prey. Lots of young cats joined Starclan that night. Watching from the Watching Circle at their grieving clanmates and wistful that their lives that had been wasted away. The leaders made peace after that but decided that no apprentices would be allowed at the Gatherings incase fighting broke out.
It was lots of hardship for the Clans after that, with so few apprentices to replace them, the warriors had to hunt and provide for their Clan even harder. Even when they became elders and sometimes worked themselves to death, but now those days are finished, and the Clans are plentiful again.” Patchwhisker finished with sleepy eyes and soon rolled over in his nest and was fast asleep.
“You’d better go.” Whispered Dirtclaw, motioning with his tail to Patchwhisker and Whitetail who had also fallen asleep.
The apprentices nodded and crept out of the den.
“There you are!” Exclaimed Moonpaw hurrying to join them, “We are wanted on border patrol, now!”
The apprentices whisked around for the entrance and pelted to their awaiting mentors.


Frostwing stared in horror as she saw dark shapes running swiftly from behind boulders, keeping low to the ground and whisking from one hiding place to the other, they were dark shadows. Dark cats with cruel thoughts on their minds.

“Rockclan!” she hissed under her breath, she had been going for night patrol when she realized that enemies were heading into the heart of her territory. Frostwing looked around, pelting towards the last place she saw her border patrol clanmates.

Hissing and spitting was heard up ahead, slowing down, Frostwing felt fear pierce her heart. She had guessed what had happened. Crouching so as not to be seen, she hid under a bush and peered out.

Four Rockclan warriors had Yellowpelt and Acornpaw pinned down.

“Stop fighting or we’ll rip this apprentice’s throat out.” A russet tom with striped meowed, laying a paw on Acornpaw’s throat, the apprentice stopped fidgeting.

Yellowpelt struggled for a little bit, his green eyes stretched wide with horror.

The grey she-cat and big brown and grey tom who were holding Yellowpelt down, purred with amusement.

“That’s right, listen to us kittypet!” The gray she-cat snarled.

Yellowpelt bristled but stopped moving.

“No, need for that Stonepelt, come on, let’s catch up with the others. Turtleshell and Flamebriar, guard these cats, make sure no one recues them.” A mew full of authority reached Frostwing’s ears. Squinting out of her bush, Frostwing could make out Duskstar.

‘A Clan leader leading a raid!’ Frostwing almost yowled in surprise, but had the sense to keep quiet.

The Rockclan cats murmured something unhearable, and soon all of them except Flamebriar and Turtleshell remained.

‘I cannot fight them! They are too powerful for me, I must leave them, sorry Yellowpelt, sorry Acornpaw’ Frostwing thought silently, she could not save them now. A raid was being put on Shoreclan, she must warn the camp!
Silently, so as not to rustle the leaves of the bush, Frostwing pelted away, her own fear scent lifting to her nose. Darting under cover of darkness, she could smell the stinking smell of Rockclan farther ahead.

To her surprise and pleasure, she could hear the Rockclan warriors were going through the longest way to camp, knowing the quickest way, Frostwing turned around and dashed towards the swamp.

Sticky mud quickly covered her forelegs, but she could not stop to wash, Shoreclan was in danger! Cold icky water splashed into her pelt, and a frog jumped out of the way in alarm. To her relief, solid ground was ahead, leaping clear of a ditch and not shaking her paws out, Frostwing charged on. Mud oozing from her legs. Bursting from the trees, she skidded into camp, startling Applesong who was on guard.

Frostwing tilted her head and howled her message to the sky, “We are under attack!”

Suddenly, the ground shook with the thrum of invaders, Rockclan burst into camp.

Frostwing let out a wail of dismay but was instantly shoved into battle. Shoreclan warriors streamed out of their dens launching themselves at the Rockclan warriors without hesitation.

Teeth clamped around her tail, turning, Frostwing saw that a white tortoiseshell was bitting her! With a screech of fury, Frostwing started batting her away with unsheathed claws.

The she-cat let out a cry of pain, but suddenly she raked her claws down Frostwing’s side, Frostwing collapsed and started flailing wildly as the Rockclan warrior merciless bit her shoulder.

“Snowdapple is the name!” The she-cat hissed, clawing with more fury.

Frostwing finally got over her shock, she kicked with her hindlegs, sending the she-cat flying. As the tortoiseshell scrambled to get up, Frostwing leaped at her. Driving her towards the water. Fear sparked in Snowdapple’s gaze as she tried in vain to dart around Frostwing.

“That’s it! Shoreclan warriors, drive them towards the water!” Frostwing yowled.

Shoreclan warriors immediately started cornering the rival warriors against the pond’s water. The Rockclan warriors let out cries of dismay as the water swirled around their feet. Frostwing let a purr of amusment for just a moment, it was just too much fun seeing other cats’ fear of water.

“Please! I don’t know how to swim!” Snowdapple begged, not trying to fight anymore but only using defense moves.

“Give up?” Frostwing growled.

“Yes!” Snowdapple yelped.

Suddenly above the roar of the battle a yowl rose in the sky, “Rockclan retreat!” Duskstar turned and vanished into the ferns. The rest of her warriors followed.

“Wait for me!” wailed Snowdapple, cowering at the edge of the water.

Shoreclan warriors started cheering their victory to the sky, lashing their tails and hissing after the departing cats.

The Shoreclan leader, ‘’, turned towards Frostwing nodding approval, “You saved you Clan Frostwing, you truly deserve being a warrior.”

Frostwing exchanged a delighted glance with Robinsky.

“And not only that,” continued the Clan leader, “You have captured a Rockclan warrior! We have a hostage now!”

Shoreclan erupted into cheers and Snowdapple shrank into her pelt.

The cats departed, sharing news about the battle, a couple escorted Snowdapple towards the prison. Frostwing bounded to Leaping Stone and then Jutting Rock, creeping around to where the medicine cat den was she spotted Wavesplash sorting some herbs, for once not busy after the battle.

“Don’t you have cats to take care for?” Asked Frostwing in surprise.

“No, you warned us in good time Frostwing.” Wavesplash blinked warmly at her, “Nothing is too serious, I’m just mixing some herbs for the scratches.”
Frostwing hesitated, then asked what she had been wanting to know, “Snowdapple is our hostage, why and how?”

Wavesplash sighed, “Well Frostwing, I suppose you wouldn’t know much about it. Shoreclan hasn’t had any hostages in a long while. It started a long time ago, Breezeclan, those trouble makers, started the tradition. When a Clan is running low of warriors or needs more kits, they usually raid each other to steal kits or get hostages in exchange for prey or herbs. As you may know, Rockclan is short on warriors, they led a raid today, Frostwing, luckily you warned us before they attacked, so they did not steal any kits. Snowdapple will probably be a hostage till her Clan exchanges some prey or whatever we offer in return for her liberty.”

Frostwing felt interest spark her, “Are there any cats that were stolen and raised in another Clan?”

Wavesplash narrowed her eyes, and avoiding her gaze started mixing more herbs, “I was Breezeclan, I was stolen by Shoreclan with my brother and was raised here. My brother died on the journey to our new Clan. Breezeclan never tried to take us back, it was more common in my days, now I’m happy to be part of Shoreclan.”

Frostwing gaped at her in surprise, wondering how many cats were from other Clans now. But suddenly she bushed out in terror, “Oh no! Yellowpelt and Acornpaw! Rockclan has them!”

Wavesplash looked at her in alarm, “Now we both have hostages! That’s why they weren’t worried about leaving a Clanmate. They can exchange her for Acornpaw and have a bigger ransom with Yellowpelt! We must tell our leader!”

The she-cats turned and bounded back towards shore.

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